Church Life

There’s a lot going on at CCC. As well as our usual ‘whole church’ meetings on a Sunday, we also have a range of other activities that our members enjoy. Take a look below to get a flavour of what goes on…

Small Groups

We long to disciple and grow the people who follow Christ. We have purposely set up a variety of small group ministries to respond to the various needs in our community.

We are blessed with a range of leadership styles in the Small Groups that enable us to challenge and prompt some, where as other groups are nurturing, encouraging or supporting. We strongly encourage all to join a Small Group not least to support you in your journey. They also form an essential element of our prayer ministry.

Contact Peter Hopgood if you’d like to be involved in a group.

or much older younger people!

If you are looking for a place where you can connect with other senior adults or if it’s a special place where you can belong, congratulations – you have found your place! It is an amazing feeling to realize that you are loved and that someone cares.

Our Seniors Ministry exists to reach senior adults with the gospel of Christ and assist them as they journey with Jesus. We seek to accomplish this through specifically tailored events where you will find friendship, encouragement, fellowship, a place to belong, and a way to put your gifts and abilities to work.

‘Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.’
Psalm 92:14 (New Living Translation)

We have Small Groups that meet during the day, Prayer Pods, The Journey bible study and fellowship in all sorts of forms. All of our adult groups here at CCC are inclusive of seniors and we enjoy the dynamic interaction of the church family throughout.

The Journey

This is our Bible study group written especially for, and aimed intentionally at, the elder members of our church family. We meet on alternate Tuesday mornings. It is an open group and anyone can attend. We teach in an informal style with group participation. It’s fun and will make the Bible come alive for you.

Meeting in the CCC in the back hall, alternate Tuesdays, 2-3pm


Our ladies evenings are a social time for all to come along to, as long as you are female!

We meet 3 times a year to catch up and chat, but we also have organised activities which include anything from film nights, craft and card making, games and walks to the local pub along the Ridgeway.

Everyone is welcome, whether you attend our church or not. We would love to see you.

If interested please contact Kim Hopgood or Sarah Mak


Our men’s group is a time when men can openly discuss their issues with other men in a safe and friendly environment over bacon, beer or a curry! We see this as a space into which we can invite our friends from outside the church to come and hear and discuss our good news, or just have a good time.

Regular events include Beer and Curry nights…

Beer nights happen from time to time at a local pub for just that – beer and relevant conversations! In the warmer months we have a walk out to the Lions of Bledlow (scene of much filming for Midsomer Murders), and have a torchlight walk back. Anyone is welcome to join us for the evening, or just drop in for a quick chat. These tend to be on a Thursday evening, but for further information see the cards in the foyer, speak to one of the men in church and give them your e-mail address and mobile number to be added to the invites.

Curry nights are very popular and also happen on an adhoc basis, and follow the same format as the beer night, good company with the addition of seriously good food. All are welcome to these events, see the church notices for these events, or the calendar, or sign up for the SMS or e-mail notifications

Churches United

The churches in Chinnor work together and hold united services at key points in the year. These include services during the International Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Remembrance Sunday and the Combined Service on the August bank holiday weekend.

Easter Celebrations

Participants from all the Christian communities of the village parade a large wooden cross around the village on Good Friday morning. With readings, songs and drama taking place at intervals along the route, the cross is then carried up to a clearing on Chinnor Hill over-looking the village. The Good Friday Cross walk culminates with a social gathering over bacon butties and coffee in the Community Church hall. The chapel is also made available for quiet contemplation and prayer. Another short sunrise service takes place on the hill on Easter Sunday morning. During this service the cross is taken down.